Back in the old days, the world wide web used to be full of every type of website you could imagine. From family sites and animals, to fairy-tales and princesses, to unicorns and dragons, and on and on. If you could think of it, it was out there.
One of the most enjoyable things to do was to take part in Website Competitions and there were so many to choose from. I was a part of three back in those days. You signed up and entered your website and then added a Vote 4 Me button or banner. People would go from site to site posting cheers to guest books and wishing everyone well in upcoming competitions. You could win cute little awards and participation banners, as well as download adoptions, to display proudly on your site. It was quite entertaining! I entered my site Jen's Fantasia in a few website comps. After becoming a judge for The Rumbles, my participation in competitions slowed. I had a lot more fun site hopping and voting for website winners.

Join the fun and you will see
The Rumbles is the best place to be
Go Teams Go!

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